Felipe Calderón Talks About His Presidency and Securities

In a recent interview, former Mexican President Felipe Calderón discussed his tenure and the challenges of organized crime. He addressed personal attacks and threats he faced while in office, emphasizing his commitment to the security of Mexican families and denying accusations of alcoholism.

Felipe Calderón Talks About His Presidency and Securities

Former President of Mexico Felipe Calderón spoke about his leadership in the fight against organized crime, stating that the only options before were either to oppose or tolerate crime. In an interview, he admitted that he made mistakes in his constant struggle against criminal structures, but noted that he achieved successes in his management of the country. An important theme was the fight against state capture by organized crime in Mexico, according to Calderón.

He stated that the death of two of his ministers during his presidency was a result of aviation disasters and was not related to the war against crime. The first was Juan Camilo Mourino, who died in an aviation disaster in 2008, and the second was José Francisco Blake Mora, who died in a helicopter crash in 2011.

Addressing rumors about his alcohol dependence, Calderón categorically denied them, calling it a big lie. He stated that he has always led a healthy and disciplined lifestyle, not skipping official events and not allowing neglect in his speeches.

He spoke about threats he received during his presidency, and the former leader of Mexico stated that his family never suffered from such accusations. He also recounted details of threats he received by phone and left a video message for his family in case of possible harm to his life.